Friday, September 28, 2012

Council for Exceptional Children- support for teachers.

To collaborate or not

This offers four questions to ask when considering when collaboration would be the best option, given the time, effort, and resources required. The first question addresses whether or not the project of problem can be handled alone. The second considers the commitment of others. The third asks whether there are mechanisms in place that foster collaboration. Fourth, what are the intended outcomes? This is a good resource because even though collaboration often sounds good, it may not always be the most effective or practical approach.

Time saving guidelines for speds.

This is a great resource for any teacher. The three suggestions are streamline classroom management, banish paper clutter, and use existing resources for time management. There are also links to other resources in this article.

Teachers develop new performance pay plan for teachers

This is a great summary of a larger report of a performance pay plan that discusses fair base pay and supplemental performance pay plans.  Links to another website with full report.  I think it is a great response to the argument over merit pay for teachers.

New standards for advanced roles in special education

The CEC discusses new standards:  Leadership and policy, program development and organization, research and inquiry, student and program evaluation, professional development and ethical practice, and collaboration.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

IEP Parent Handbook

Parents as Partners Handbook

Links to Utah Parent Center page of handbooks for IEP, 504, adult life transition, etc. The Parents as Partners Handbook is very helpful to parents who are just starting the IEP process. It contains pertinent information about questions to ask, who should participate in the process, rights of students and how parents can fully participate and make sure their child is being provided all the services they need. Definitely a good resource that a gen. ed. teacher could provide parents.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This link is to the government's website for IDEA 2004. It is divided into part B (ages 3-21) and part C (ages birth-2). It covers statutes, regulations, Q&A, and major topics.

Teacher Resource Blog

I am creating this blog as part of my Diversity and Learning class. I hope to accumulate many excellent resources that will help me in my teaching and learning. I welcome any relevant and useful information and posts from others who are committed to improving teaching and helping students and families.